SEN & Disabilities
Please find all information relating to Bobby Moore at SEND on the Padlet linked here
Welcome to the Bobby Moore Academy Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) section of our website. At Bobby Moore, we believe that there are four key features of Inclusion: Present, Participating, Supporting and Achieving.
- All pupils should learn in environments which best meet their needs.
- All pupils should be fully engaged in the school community.
- All pupils should be enabled and supported to fully participate in their learning.
- All pupils should feel that their voices are heard.
- All pupils have the right to participate and engage as fully as possible in all aspects of school, including co-curricular and offsite opportunities.
- All pupils should benefit from inclusive learning and teaching practices.
- All pupils should be given the right help, at the right time, from the right people to support their wellbeing in the right place.
- All pupils should be supported to overcome barriers to learning in order to achieve their full potential.
- All pupils should be supported to participate in all parts of school life.
- All pupils should be achieving their full potential.
- All pupils should have access to a varied curriculum tailored to meet their needs.
- All pupils should leave Bobby Moore equipped with the skills to succeed and reach their potential, as well as being well-rounded individuals, with a strong sense of self and accomplishment.
Our Team
Assistant Principal for Inclusion- Mr M. East
Deputy Director of Inclusion/ Primary SENCO- Ms K. Craven
Secondary SENCO - Ms S. Brewster
Any SEND enquiries should be sent to: Please state your child’s year group in the subject of the email, so that we can ensure the right person responds to your email in a timely manner.
What kind of special educational needs are provided for?
The Academy supports students who have difficulties under the four broad areas of need:
- Communication and Interaction
- Cognition and Learning
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health
- Sensory and Physical
We make provision to support students with SEND needs, Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) and/or medical needs. Students on the SEND register are students receiving support that is ‘additional and different from’ that provided within the usual Academy curriculum offer. Should you wish to discuss additional support for your child, please email us to arrange a discussion.
External Agency Partnerships - The local offer
London Borough of Newham:
London Borough of Tower Hamlets:
London Borough of Hackney:
London Borough of Waltham Forest:
Evaluation of our provision
- The Academy follows the SEND Code of Practice 2015 with the graduated approach, in evaluating the effectiveness of the provision made for children and young people with SEND (Assess, Plan, Do, Review).
- All students at the Academy have an opportunity to participate in all available activities offered, fully integrating with whole school students. For example, Spring/Summer and Winter Cup, Academy Sports Day, Full programme of Enrichment including weekly sessions and trips, Residential trips, University visits, Music Cup and many more.