The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Bobby Moore Academy

We celebrate the diversity of our community through our aspirational learning culture so that each individual can fulfil their potential.

Parent Information

At Bobby Moore Academy we believe that parents, in choosing the school for their children, are committing themselves to a partnership where they can expect certain things of the academy and the academy, in a spirit of mutuality, can expect certain things of them.

Parents can expect the Academy to:

  • put young people first
  • manage young people's learning openly, clearly and creatively
  • express in its distinctive way the values of the "Every Child Matters" initiative
  • respond promptly to expressions of concern or complaints.
  • stand firm to our mission statement. We Are BMA. 

The Academy can expect parents to:

  • support their child's need to learn by creating the right environment at home for enquiry and discovery
  • enable their children to achieve full attendance
  • encourage their children to promote Academy values, such as care for each other and wearing the uniform correctly.
  • support their child in understand the behaviour policy

Staff within Bobby Moore Academy are committed to their ‘duty of care’ for all students, and take all reasonable steps to ensure that children in their care are not exposed to risks.

Parents can contact the Academy with any queries via

  • QEOP
  • Bishop Perowne Church of England College