Travel Plan
A Travel Plan is a strategy to manage the number and type of trips generated by a development site in a sustainable way, this is achieved by raising awareness of available alternative transport modes and encouraging people to make the switch away from single occupancy car journeys.
This Travel Plan aims to be as comprehensive as possible at this stage and provide a full commitment to implementing an effective package of measures to promote and encourage sustainable travel patterns. There will however be actions that cannot be undertaken at this stage, and as such it should be treated as a working document that will be amended and then converted to a final Travel Plan document once the school is open for pupils and staff.
The overall objective of the travel planning process is to maximise the efficiency and sustainability of the land use and to reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips by encouraging the use of modes other than the private car.
More specifically, the aims and objectives of the travel planning process are to provide the setting to:
• Maximise the sustainability of trips to/from the site;
• Increase awareness of the alternative travel options;
• Educate and raise awareness of travel issues amongst residents regarding transport and the environment;
• Reduce car use; and
• Achieve the set targets.